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The simplest way to fashionably update wardrobe basics

Want to stay fresh in fashion while not going too far outside your comfort zone? 

Are you a girl who loves a good basic, but with a twist?

Does staying on top of what looks good when life AND fashion are constantly changing?

(Especially when fashion sometimes seems to be run by weird people.)

Even though wearing clothes never goes out of style, fashion always changes.


You know that, already.

This will explain how you can spice up your look without feeling too “out there” or keep wearing a wardrobe from a long ago post-breakup spending spree.

So, what’s the fix?

Take a ‘nod’ from what's trendy + mix that ‘nod’ into your basics.

By buying new, ‘trendier’ versions of those basic items, you’ll experiment but still live close enough to your comfort zone to keep you from staying same-same.

Let’s break it down

What’s “classic”?

Anything basic that stands the test of time. Like jeans, a pencil skirt, or a blazer. Think of it like bricks that build the walls of a house or the foundation and concealer for a makeup bag. Basic, yet essential!

Now, examine the trends: based on what you appreciate - in the mirror and in clothes you wear  - that is your framework on what to try.

For ex: let’s say you love skirts and need some new ones for work, instead of a classic pencil skirt (stops at the knee) go for a more modern midi length (passes the knee and/or hits mid-calf).

For jeans, wear the same style you enjoy (like the skinny) + indulge in a shredded hem (same fit you love, with a modern spin) or some other more popular new update.

One last thing.

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