How to "Dress Older" and Get Taken More Seriously at Work

men meeting work serious business casual

You've got your foot in the door at an awesome company.

You're working your ass off every day.

You KNOW you have what it takes.

But some of your colleagues still treat you like you don't belong.

Sadly, making a mark isn’t just about what you bring to the table regarding skills and ambition.

For professionals, the challenge isn’t just climbing the corporate ladder—it’s doing so while being taken seriously by peers and superiors.

As unfair as it is, ageism and judgment on your appearance can be a real problem in the workplace.

It casts doubt on your experience and capabilities based purely on your appearance and how much you fit it. It’s a nuanced issue, rooted in stereotypes rather than reality, but its impacts can be significant.

The good news? Your wardrobe is a powerful tool in combatting this bias, helping bridge the gap between perception and reality, and ensuring your talents and professionalism aren’t overshadowed by judgment.

Tips for a Wardrobe You Can Grow In To

You don't want to give up your unique style or look like you're cosplaying your parents, but there are subtle ways that you can make your appearance less of an issue and use the way you look to get promoted, make more money, and attract the right connections.

Embrace Tailored Silhouettes

Nothing says "professional" like clothing that fits you flawlessly. Invest in tailored pieces that flatter your form without being too tight or too loose. Think blazers, slacks, and well-fitting shirts. Tailoring doesn’t mean dull; it means polished and put-together. Work with a custom tailor for bespoke clothing or have the items you buy altered to fit you perfectly.

Choose Quality Over Quantity

Opt for high-quality fabrics and timeless pieces over fast fashion. Quality pieces last longer and tend to look more sophisticated. Look for materials like wool, silk, and high-quality cotton. These fabrics lend an air of sophistication and are worth the investment. They last longer too so they can be worn years into your career.

Play the Game

It sucks when the well-connected new kid gets promoted and invited to the best projects. Even when they often go against the status quo, doing things like wearing casual clothing to a room filled with business attire. Unfortunately slacking off on the way you dress doesn't impact everyone equally. Instead of getting mad, use it to your advantage. You can use what you wear to help create an impression of excellence. Look so good they can't use what you look like as an excuse to keep you down.

Use Details to Accentuate Your Style

Accessories are the finishing touches where you can have a little more fun and express yourself. Along with the subtle, classic accessories like a well-chosen watch or sleek belt, incorporate colors, prints, and other stylish elements that fit into your taste and lifestyle but don't override the expected dress code.

Dress for Your Industry and Culture

Tech may favor a more casual look, creative fields a more eclectic one, and finance and law often stick to traditional attire. Know your field and look around you at what everyone else is wearing.

Don't be lazy and opt for "good enough

Dress a notch above the expected to project authority and professionalism while still staying in the right lane. Go for excellent. This alongside producing good work, people will assume there's more from you, and give you more opportunities.

What does 'a notch above' even mean?

It means doing everything 1-6 on this list.

Let's Get You Taken Seriously at Work

At the end of the day, it’s not really about dressing older; it’s about embodying the confidence and professionalism that make you unmistakable for anything but the rockstar professional you are. Let’s make your wardrobe as ambitious as you are.

Let's Get You understands the nuances of professional dressing and is here to guide you through creating a wardrobe that reflects your drive and individuality. Schedule a call and let's get you taken seriously at work, without compromising your unique style.